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This activity focuses on persuasive essay. The purpose of a persuasive essay is to convince the reader of your point of view. By the end of your introduction, your thesis should be clear. This is the point you are going to prove. Your task in the body of the essay is to prove it.

Other types of essay you might want to explore include:

Personal Essay
A personal essay tells a story that reveals something unique about you. You bring your experiences to life through images and sensory details. The goal of the personal essay is to help your reader understand you better.

Literary Analysis
A literary analysis is a response to literature. In a literary analysis, you formulate a thesis or position that you hold regarding the text. You use quotations and evidence from the text to support your thesis.

Research Paper
Writing a research paper is a process of gathering and analyzing information about a topic, formulating a thesis, and organizing your information and analysis to support your thesis.

Reflective Essay
Simply put, a reflective essay is thinking on paper. The reflective essay is the luxury assignment of papers. It gives you the opportunity to explore an event or topic in any way that interests you without having to prove anything to your reader. The reflective paper is all about entertaining your curiosity.

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