Write It Memoir
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I Will Always Remember

Sometimes finding a good idea for a memoir means sifting through old memories in search of one that awakens the writer in you. This process can be frustrating, at times, since most memories come to us in little fragmentary pieces, rather than whole.

The following exercise is designed to help you explore your memories in their fragmented state before deciding whether you — the writer — want to make them whole. As you brainstorm, do not write in complete sentences, but make a list of words and phrases that describe your memories. Write the first words that come to mind when answering the following question.

I will always remember:

I will always remember:

I will always remember:

I will always remember:

I will always remember:

Read your listed memories out loud, one after the other. Which memories seem like they could write their own stories if you followed their lead? Circle the words that jog your memory. Expand your lists into paragraphs, using complete sentences. Sift through the paragraphs for the story within you that’s waiting to be told!


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