Here are a
tips for you to follow that have always helped me with my writing.
I recommend that you try them!
- Write a little each day. Practicing regularly helps you become
more observant and confident.
- Try to write at the same time every day. When writing becomes
a routine, the words will flow more easily. You'll begin to feel
committed to your journal.
- Carry a notebook with you at all times. That way you'll never
miss an important moment.
- Keep a sharp eye on every aspect of your daily life. Even the
most routine events are worth observing. Whenever possible, make
quick notes of what you observe. Later, you can refer to these
notes when writing your finished work.
- Look very carefully at what's happening around you. Take note
of "who," "what," "when," "where," "how," and "why."
- Write simply. Say exactly what you see, feel, hear, and so
on. Be specific when you write. For example, instead of tree,
say what kind of tree.
- Good descriptive writing depends heavily on observing and recollecting
vivid moments. As you observe an event, jot down everything that
you observed. Push yourself to remember as many details as you
can. It may help to close your eyes and bring yourself back to
that earlier moment.
- Remember,
you are the writer who observes — you see the people and the scenes.
You have the power of the word and can shape the images that you
present. Draw upon your knowledge of facts, your memories, and
your imagination. I think of these three as "The Known," "The
Remembered," and "The Imagined."