Materials Needed (different for each activity)::
Graphic Organizer: Computer: activities can be modified
from one computer to a whole computer lab.
Optional: Power Point, LCD Projector, Overhead Projector
Transparency Paper: print out selected web pages and make transparency
copies to post on the overhead, if you don't have access to a
As you plan your lessons, you may wish to print out any reading
assignment pages and staple them into a book for individual students.
If you have several computers in your classroom, assign computer
time to small groups of same-reading-level students.
Teacher Toolkit Tout Narrative:
Create a visual presentation of myths, folktales, and fairy tales
as an exciting introduction to your class using your Teacher Toolkit.
Go now!

Grade Specific Lessons
K–3 | 4–6
| 7–9 | 9–12