Activity Description
The components in the Writing with Writers online activity can
be used with grades 1–12 and are broken up as follows:
Biography Writing (Grades 4–12)
In this Writing With Writers installment, students in grades 4–12
learn to write a biography. Patricia and Fredrick McKissack, winners
of the Coretta Scott King award, provide students with a warm-up
exercise, genre-specific tips, and an example of a biographical
sketch written by them. These authors will also challenge students
to post biographical sketches of their own. Upon successful completion
of the workshop, students can publish their biographies online.
Descriptive Writing (Grades 4–12)
Students learn to develop powerfully descriptive writing pieces
with help from one of America's most honored writers of books
for children. Newbery Medal-winning author Virginia Hamilton provides
students with sample writings, tips, strategies, and challenges
to help them develop their own writing. She also gives students
guidelines on revising what they've written. When your students
have successfully completed the workshop, they can publish their
descriptive pieces online.
Folktales (Grades 1–8)
Through participation in the Folktales workshop, students learn
about folktales in their families and communities. With authors
Alma Flor Ada and Rafe Martin as guides, students are guided through
a step-by-step process of writing their own folktales which they
can publish online. This component of Writing with Writers is
also part of the Myths, Folktales, and Fairytales online activity
which has it's own teacher's guide.
Mystery Writing (Grades 4–8)
Students learn to write mysteries with help from a well-known
children's book author. Four-time Edgar Award winner Joan Lowery
Nixon provides students with a sample mystery, plus writing tips,
strategies, and challenges to help them develop their own mysteries.
She also gives students guidelines on revising their writing,
and provide general comments, suggestions, and ideas about writing
mysteries. When your students have successfully completed the
workshop, they can print their own mysteries online.
Myth Writing (Grades 4–12)
Students explore multicultural myths, participate in a four-step
myth-writing workshop with acclaimed author Jane Yolen, and publish
their own myths online. This component of Writing with Writers
is also part of the Myths, Folktales, and Fairytales online activity
which has it's own teacher's guide.
News Writing (Grades 4–12)
Let the Scholastic News editorial team guide your students through
the process of writing a good news story. With examples and advice,
students can learn the guidelines and publish their news article
Speech Writing (Grades 4–12)
Learning how to present a good speech does not only mean good
writing skills, but you need to learn how to speak as well. Students
following the Speech Writing component of Writing with Writers
will learn those skills for writing and presenting their speeches.
They can record their speech on the Scholastic hotline and come
back to listen to it online.
Poetry Writing (Grades 1–12)
The Poetry Writing project features three authors whose works
expose students to various characteristics of poetry, such as
powerful description, rhythm, and rhyming. Each of the writers
offers models of his or her work as well as suggestions for students.
Students are introduced to warm-up exercises, and other tips to
help them create, revise, and share their work. An ongoing journal
component is included in the Teacher's Guide to provide students
with a personal portfolio they can use to organize, information,
notes, and their own poems in process.
Although you may wish to use elements from all three workshops
in your poetry lesson, the following grade configuration is a
Poetry Writing with Jack Prelutsky (Grades 1–3)
Students discover how to shape ideas and words into creative,
descriptive, and silly poems. Popular children's poet Jack Prelutsky
provides students with an example of his own poetry accompanied
by an audio clip of him reading the poem. He also shares writing
tips that he uses when he writes poetry. Students get to show
what they learned when Jack challenges them to continue a poem
he has begun. Jack also provides students with guidelines for
revising their writing.
Writing I Spy Riddles with Jean Marzollo (Grades 1–8)
Author Jean Marzollo leads students on a poetry writing journey
using her riddle-writing style from the award-winning I Spy series.
Using models of her published riddles and photographs from her
books, Ms. Marzollo turns a complex writing style into a simple
format that young students can copy and extend.
Poetry Writing with Karla Kuskin (Grades 1–12)
Students learn to write poems with help from award-winning poet
Karla Kuskin. Karla provides students with a sample poem, plus
writing tips, strategies, and challenges to help them create their
own poetry. She also gives students guidelines on revising their
writing, and provides general comments, suggestions, and ideas
about writing poetry.
Writing a Book Review (Grades 4–12)
Students learn to analyze and write about books with help from
a well-known children's book author. Rodman Philbrick, the acclaimed
author of Freak the Mighty, provides students with a sample
book review, plus writing tips, strategies, and challenges to
help them develop their own reviews. He'll also give students
guidelines on revising their writing. When your students have
successfully completed the workshop, they can publish their own
book review with the "Share What You Are Reading" online

Lesson Goals:
Scholastic's Online Activities are designed to support the teaching
of standards-based skills. While participating in the different
Writing With Writers projects, students become proficient with
several of these skills.
- Identify unique characteristics of different writing genres.
- Follow the writing process for different genres to create
original writing.
- Use web technology to post original writing online.
- Demonstrate understanding of different genres by responding
to questions.
- Understand how to review and revise their own writing.
- Review and present constructive criticism to peer writing.
- Learn to think critically and objectively about their reading.
- Learn to review and revise their own writing.
- Produce written work to show evidence of knowledge of the
different genres.
Some specific skills related to specific genres include:
- Use technology to record original speeches.
- Appreciate diverse cultures and traditions through writing.
- Tell an original folktale to class members using appropriate
fluency skills.
- Respond to questions about the folktale genre to demonstrate
- Practice poetry writing skills such as rhythm, rhyming, and
descriptive vocabulary.
- Practice writing skills such as description, summarization,
and persuasive communication.
- Practice skills such as descriptive writing and dialogue.
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