Investigate the Giant Squid: Mysterious Cephalopod of the Sea
Exploration Exchange
Backyard Science
Putting It Together
Far beneath the ocean waves, a mysterious creature roams the cold, dark world of the deep sea.
Your challenge: Investigate the evidence and imagine the world of the giant squid.
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Ammonite (am-mo-nite)
A fossil of an extinct cephalopod usually with a spiral shell

Architeuthis (arc-ee-tooth-us)
A genus of gigantic squid made up of the largest known mollusks, some 60 feet long including the long tentacles

Bioluminescence (bi-o-loo-mi-ness-sents)
Light that’s created by chemical reactions in some organisms

Buoyancy (boi-uhn-see)
The ability to keep afloat

Camouflage (ka-muh-flahj)
Color, shape, or texture that makes animals, people, or objects blend in with or look like their surroundings

Cephalopod (cef-a-luh-pod)
Sea creatures from the phylum Mollusca that share traits including a beak, a head, a mantle, arms, and — in squid and cuttlefish — two tentacles. Some, like the nautilus, have hard, outer shells.

Invertebrate (in-vur-tuh-brate)
A creature without a backbone. Insects, octopuses, earthworms, and snails are examples of invertebrates.

Mollusk (mol-luhsk)
A group of animals that have soft bodies, no spine, and are usually protected by a hard shell.

Nautilus (naw-ti-lus)
Cephalopod mollusks with spiral shells that live in the Indo-Pacific Ocean

Neritic regions (nu-ri-tick ree-juhns)
Coastal water extending from the low-tide mark to a depth of 600 feet

Predator (pred-uh-tur)
An animal that hunts other animals for food

Prey (pray)
An animal that is hunted by another animal for food

Teuthologist (tooth-ol-o-gist)
A scientist who studies squid