Weather Watch
Weather Watch Home
Teacher's Guide
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Lesson 1: Grades K–2
Lesson 2: Grades 3–5
Lesson 3: Grades 3–8
Lesson 4: Grades 6–8
Additional Resources

These interactive experiences teach daily weather patterns and bring students face to face with extreme weather conditions. Younger students explore the weather around them through visual observation. Those in the intermediate grades build an operational weather station then collect and compare data; they also create an "extreme" weather forecast and write first-person accounts from the eye of a storm. Students in the upper grades use analytical skills to select a topic of interest and write a research report.
General Objectives
Students will:
• Formulate questions to help guide their own learning
• Gain knowledge of weather terms and their appropriate usage
• Use observation skills to determine current weather conditions
• Gather data from several sources
• Forecast probable weather conditions after analyzing available data
• Complete a research project on a topic of their choice
Related Information
Research Starters: Extreme Weather
Students explore various weather-related topics and several written resources as they begin a thorough research project.
Writing Workshop: Research Paper
This step-by-step guide helps students employ a wide range of strategies as they select and research a weather topic.