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Words to Know Experts Say Be Ready! Explore the Ring of Fire

Be Ready!

Scientists keep close watches on areas where volcanoes are likely to erupt.� That�s good news for most people, who usually have plenty of time to plan before a nearby mountain blows its top.

There are warning signs that let scientists know a volcanic may soon erupt: it will swell, spout steam and gas, and rumble noisily for several months. Other ways volcanologists monitor active volcanoes include:

  • examining rock deposits from previous eruptions to chart their frequency
  • using seismometers to detect even small quakes that often occur before an eruption
  • monitoring geophones, which are microphones placed underground in river valleys to �listen� for approaching mudslides

If you learn there's a chance of a volcanic eruption near your home, you should have a family escape plan that includes:

  • Ways to get to safety on high ground, far away from the eruption
  • A back-up route, just in case the main roads are blocked
  • A plan for keeping in touch in case family members are separated
  • An out-of-state relative or friend to serve as the family contact � someone you can call by phone and report where and how you are

After a volcano erupts, be sure to:

  • Stay away from volcanic ashfall areas
  • Wear goggles to protect your eyes
  • Put a dust mask or kerchief over your mouth and nose
  • Wear a long-sleeved shirt and pants to keep your skin covered and limit contact with any itchy ash

Experts recommend that you stay indoors until local health officials tell you it�s safe to go outside, especially if you have asthma or another type of breathing problem.