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3 and 4 Year Olds

The goal of Phase 1 is to help prepare children for Kindergarten by providing a foundation in the four key areas for early literacy — oral language, phonological awareness, concepts of print and alphabetic knowledge. The primary focus is on developing strong oral language skills, both listening and speaking, to help children develop effective communication skills.
See what is included in Phase 1.

Phase 1 includes:

Teacher Materials:
Classroom Materials:

Books and Music

Trade Books (3 per unit, 18 per phase)
Board Book (1 book per unit, 6 per phase)
Music Book (7 songs)
• 1 Audio CD (9 songs and poems)

Character Kit

• 3 Puppets
• 3 Plush Toys
• Punchouts (4 per character)
• Song and Poem Charts (7 per unit, 42 per phase)
• Nina's Word Cards (8 per unit, 48 per phase)
• Leo's Alphabet

Building Language for Literacy is organized around 12 Place Units. The 6 Place Units for Phase 1 are:

At Home



On a Farm


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