The Grant Seminar
* Getting Started
* Developing Need

* Developing
Project Activities

* The Grant

* Evaluating Your

* Putting It
All Together

* Sample Grant

Sample Grant Proposal

I originally put this proposal together with lots of high school staff input four years ago. It was funded in a second attempt three years ago. Two years ago the funding source from the state changed and we submitted an altered proposal and were funded a second time. Since the end of the grant implementation, the use of technology and teacher skills at meeting the needs of English language learners has tremendously increased. The grant activities led to the hiring of a full-time, out of the classroom, technology teacher to support teachers in using technology integrated into their daily classroom instruction.

The order of the proposal is based upon the RFP from the State of California. The purpose of the proposal was to fund schools to implement technology programs that would benefit English Language Learners and their parents. Thirty percent of all funds were to be spent on Staff Development. Writing the proposal while knowing the scoring rubric made creating this grant a lot like solving a Rubik's Cube. It required grantseekers to be technically savvy, as well as proficient in planning programs for the needs of limited English speakers. Our first attempts at writing were met with failure and dissatisfaction. The department chairs from the school met and divided up the work by sections. What came back was a mess. Nothing matched with anything else. The needs were of math students but the evaluation sounded like social studies. The timelines would work for English, but left science hanging. We regrouped a year later when the same funds were available again. This time we really spent time analyzing the RFP to realize that to get the funds for ALL students ($25 per student plus a $2,000 base for the school), we needed to choose areas that would serve ALL students. We selected science and social studies because these two areas are part of the "core" that all students take. English language learners typically have problems in these areas if the material is not presented in ways they can understand. For example, students with limited English skills need science and social studies concepts rich in visual language and filled with "graphic organizers." As we look back, we took on too much and would next time settle with science or social studies, but not both.

Although many teachers from many departments added to the proposal, the successful proposal had just one writer. All program planners had to work through what English language learners needed and what technologies were available for all students to reach consensus on what kids and teachers would do to support the intent of the grant's activities.

Sample High School Grant Abstract

San Gabriel High School presently serves a multi-ethnic student population of 3,244 students (45% Asian, 44% Hispanic). The school serves a significant number of low income, first-generation immigrants and was established in 1955 in the San Gabriel Valley. San Gabriel High School is one of four high schools in the Alhambra School District. The demographics of this school necessitate a wide range of programs to meet the needs of our students. Over 44% of our students are English Language Learners (1,425) and 46% are designated Title 1 (1,500). This proposal gives priority to the needs of our English Language Learners and their parents.

The proposal provides a program for students involved in primary and sheltered language instruction to access the core curriculum in science and social studies. We will use technology tools including HyperStudio. Students will create projects which emphasize the use of rich visual images and the ability to structure their learning around graphic organizers by making HyperStudio presentations. This approach has been selected as to provide interesting and meaningful ways for students to master core curriculum. All students receive the core and all learners will participate in their science or social studies classrooms.

The project relies heavily on staff development, the training and deployment of student technology aides and parent volunteers. Linkages have been established with Pepperdine University, a local business, and the Alhambra California Model Technology Schools Project.

1. Instructional Program - Curriculum and Instruction

This proposal supports the long range school improvement vision, and our site's Technology Use Plan (TUP), both of which stress the use of cooperative learning in student designed projects. The proposal provides a means for students involved in primary and sheltered language instruction to access the core curriculum in science and social studies using technology in a student-centered environment. This proposal will provide an avenue for teachers, support staff, parents and administrators to work as an intercollegial team, developing new roles for staff, in supporting student achievement, and providing new opportunities for students to learn in our changing community and technological world.

The HyperStudio projects we propose require students to become managers of information. This is consistent with California Frameworks and District curriculum that states subject matter be used in critical thinking and problem solving situations. HyperStudio projects actively involve learners and the process students go through is relevant and meaningful. This approach helps students to "own" the material.

2. Services for Special Program "Clients"

This proposal gives priority to the needs of the 44% of San Gabriel High School Students that are classified as LEP. Our students' lack of English skills, and in some cases basic education and life experiences, impacts every aspect of the high school educational program. The proposed student-centered use of technology improves learning, socialization, and communication skills because students must listen, read, research, write, discuss, and organize in order to complete their projects. Teachers will provide a technology based means by which students with limited language skills can generate ideas, problem solve, reach compromises, make and implement decisions, evaluate work, and improve English and communication skills by gaining access to the core curricula of science and social studies.

The program also features parent involvement in a technology aide training program to support classroom learning.

3. Management of Learning Resources

The school site Instructional Technology Specialist (ITS) currently manages labs, hardware, software, and schedules lab use. For this proposal, the ITS will be assisted by a key group of school planners that self-select themselves from the cadre of teachers involved in this project. The planning team will organize, maintain, and coordinate the program, hardware and software at monthly project meetings. Additional responsibilities include:

maintaining an inventory of technology on campus

coordinating check-out and placement of equipment

4. Description of the Instructional Plan

Needs to Be Addressed

Students need:

sheltered instruction and/or primary language instruction to fully access the core curriculum in science and social studies (bilingual program regulations, large numbers of LEP students on campus, 44%).

instruction which uses visual aids and short presentations of content followed by practice, comprehension, and follow-up for English language learners (44% of students are LEP, low reading, and composition test scores).

Teachers need:

Strategies for becoming effective coaches of instruction and practice time for newly acquired skills (teacher opinion survey).

An atmosphere of congeniality and sharing as they work collaboratively on solving problems of teaching and learning with English language learners in our proposed approach (teacher opinion survey).

Professional growth and renewal (teacher opinion survey).

Parents need:

Assistance in understanding the educational process (teacher and parent opinion surveys).

Opportunities to learn how to coach their children (parent opinion survey).

Ability to communicate with the school.

Our school's Technology Use Plan stresses:

Student acquisition of sufficient English language proficiency necessary to access core subject areas.

Teacher acquisition of a comfort level necessary to support integrated technology activities through ongoing in-services.

Parents as active participants in their children's education.

5. Program Activities - What Students Will Do

Students will be actively involved in acquiring English Language Skills through small groups based on students' language skills. In sheltered language classes, "sheltering" the instruction with graphic organizers will be featured. Students will produce Multimedia Projects in cooperative learning groups as they learn technology. They will conference with their teachers, and work with peer instructional aides, as they develop primary language skills, English language skills, and master course content. Units of study will culminate in a Technology Fair to be held in the Spring.

This project is consistent with the student-centered approach in the California State Frameworks, and it is a logical extension of the district's Technology Plan. Students learn subject matter by interacting in groups that are self-directed, self-paced, and self-assessed: much as projects are managed in the workplace. All students will be participating in such projects in the core areas of science and social studies during the academic year.

6. A Sample Classroom Project

(Note that I put this in the proposal and often add a paragraph similar to this, even if it isn't asked for. The RFP did not ask for a sample project. I felt I needed to present a "word picture" of what kids would do. In case the grant-readers didn't get my vision that students would work in teams to create these "electronic term papers" using HyperStudio and other resources).

Students in Bilingual and sheltered Life Science classes study plants, animals, the human body, living systems, and interrelationships between members of the biosphere. The classes use textbooks, library research, laserdiscs, and CD-ROMs as source material. The teacher assigns a project on animal research and divides his class into groups of three or four students. The groups select anywhere from one to three animals to research depending on their language skills. The students will use a Research Guide (a graphic organizer), devised by the Bilingual teachers to serve as a road map for the group. It is arranged in order of language level so that the more advanced Bilingual students are able to complete the entire sheet of research (animal's classification, geographic locale, physical description, habitat, natural enemies, food, type of eater, etc.), in the library. Those groups at the highest level of language skills will research three animals and then extend their critical thinking skills by comparing and contrasting their animals, looking at a map of the world and locating environments in which the animals could live, or exploring the effects of shrinking habitats.

Groups research, select, and organize data and synthesize the information into a meaningful project. Each group plans a HyperStudio project, an electronic environment, where students create their multimedia presentation. Working collaboratively, students create a blueprint for their project (a storyboard) and determine card design and layout. Once their cards are created, students select appropriate animal sounds, graphics, or QuickTime movies from resources such as CD-ROMs and laserdisc sequences to incorporate. Some select appropriate background music. Students draw or scan pictures, and type necessary text. The groups present to the class. The project is converted to video, and a copy is included in the student's portfolio. An additional copy is sent home to share with parents

7. Project Time Line

June -Recruit teachers, students and parents for project, and order equipment.

July - Staff Development, parent assistant training, and student peer training. Record baseline data.

Aug - Staff, parents, and students borrow equipment to practice skills.

Sept - Develop schedule for classes, place peer helpers, ready equipment.

Oct to Jan - Projects developed and evaluated by teachers and students.

Feb - Meet with teachers, parents, and collaborate with Dr. Garcia, Model Technology School, and Robert Blair and evaluate and make adjustments.

Feb to Apr - Projects developed and evaluated by teachers and students.

May - Projects selected and showcased at Technology Fair. Technology Specialist and researcher write evaluation report for the State of California.

Jun - Begin plans and selection for training of new cadre of teachers.

8. Program Objectives, Expected Outcomes,

Activities, and Timelines

Student, Teacher and Parent Objectives and Expected Outcomes:

A. Through primary language and sheltered language instruction, students access core curriculum in science and social studies appropriate for their grade and language level by completing a series of multimedia based HyperStudio project. (based on student need).

B. Teachers acquire effective ESL and primary language teaching strategies for delivering core curriculum to students in sheltered and primary language science and social studies classes and receive support as they implement the HyperStudio approach. (Based on staff need.)

C. Parents acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in their children's educational process. (Based on parent need).

Activities (and who is responsible)

Cadre of teachers is self-selected. First data points collected by researcher. (Key school planners, site instructional technology specialist, University Researcher and teachers).

HyperStudio Training for teachers, parents, student peer aides. (project coordinator and Alhambra Model Technology Schools project teachers).

Order equipment, laserdiscs and CD-ROMs. (on-site coordinator, site instructional technology specialist and teachers).

Summer practice (teachers, parents and students).

Schedule Classes in Lab, schedule parent volunteers in classrooms, schedule student peer aides. (on-site coordinator, site instructional technology specialist).

Chair Monthly Cadre Meetings to share progress and provide collegial support. Key Planners meet for additional time to manage learning resources. (on-site coordinator, site instructional technology specialist).

Students create projects (teachers and students).

Mid-term Evaluation of Project. (university researcher and teachers).

Evaluate Projects and prepare for Tech Fair (teachers and students).

Hold Technology Fair (teachers, parents, and students).

Evaluate program and plan for summer training (on-site coordinator and program participants).

9. Staff Development Program

The first phases of the project will include extensive staff development followed by spaced reinforcement and follow-up. The first series of inservices will be scheduled in summer, followed by summer practice, and fall implementation. Project progress will be reported at regular staff meetings throughout the year. Staff development resources include professional expert pay for summer training, district minimum days, and release days for training and program implementation thought out the year. Teachers will form intercollegial teams, develop new roles in the support of student achievement and recognize that a changing community and a technological world provides positive new opportunities for learners. These plans are in alignment with our District's staff development plan for secondary education and the recommendations in Second to None. (A California State Document aimed at the improvement of High School Education).

10. Linkages and Collaboration

Higher Education - Dr. Cara Garcia from Pepperdine University has been selected to collect, observe, organize, and analyze the data. San Gabriel High School will provide Dr. Garcia's research students the ability to do real world data collection.

Business and Industry - A cooperative agreement has been made between San Gabriel High School and Robert Blair, Video Expert and Cameraman, for CBS Television Network. Mr. Blair has been nominated for five Grammy Awards and has been a cameraman for sixteen years. Donated services to be provided will be technical advise and support including Video techniques used in media that can be used in student HyperStudio Projects. Mr. Blair will also help judge projects at our Technology Fair in the Spring.

Regional Educational Technology Services - Collaboration with Alhambra High School, Model Technology School, is on-going and includes visits from teachers using Multimedia Project Technology as a vehicle in teaching Limited English speakers. Teachers from the MTS project will provide training services.

11. Planning/Evaluating/Reporting Processes

Planning The Technology Use Plan was developed by the School-Based Committee which consists of the Assistant Principal of Instruction (Chairman), the site ITS, the WASC Steering Committee, appointed faculty, community representatives, students and parents, in conjunction with the School Advisory Committee, Bilingual Advisory Committee, and the District Technology Coordinator.

The school TUP stresses students' acquisition of sufficient English language proficiency necessary to access the core subject areas, teachers to acquire a level of comfort necessary to support integrated technology activities through ongoing in-services, and parents to become actively involved in their children's education.

Students' projects will be an ongoing process that will be evaluated and adjusted throughout development. Functions built into HyperStudio provide formative and summative evaluation at the classroom level. Further evaluation will take place after adjustments are made, and reinforcement and feedback will be immediate and on a daily basis.

12. Evaluating and Reporting

Periodic surveys will be used for formative and summative evaluation at the school-wide level. Teachers will evaluate staff development, trained parent assistants, access to equipment, student peer aides, support from the Project Manager, by observing students progress as they produce their projects. Students will complete a written evaluation of their training experience as well as evaluate their classmates projects. Teachers and parents will attend monthly project evaluation and troubleshooting meeting.

Teachers will report and evaluate the effectiveness of staff development, trained parent assistants, access to multimedia equipment, student peer aides, Project Coordinator support, and their peer coaches by observing their students' progress as they produce their projects. Students will complete a written evaluation of their training experience as well as evaluate their classmates projects. Teachers and parents involved in the project will attend a monthly project evaluation and troubleshooting meeting. Dr. Garcia will write the final report with the assistance of the Instructional Technology Specialist. The report will be delivered to the State. We also plan to share our student projects at our local and statewide CUE conferences

13. Program Leadership

The site instructional technology specialist will take a leadership role in the implementation of this grant. She will be assisted by a group of key school planners self-selected from the cadre of teachers doing grant activities. The specialist will liaison to the District's Instructional Technology Office and represent the project at the Principal's Site-Based Management Council. The site instructional specialist will also be assisted by an on-site project coordinator for one year, 20% time (one period a day) to direct staff development activities, meet with district technology coordinator, confer with site administrators, work with parents, train peer aides, and implement the grant. The Project Coordinator will meet with a cadre teachers on a scheduled monthly basis for problem solving of implementation issues.

14. Budget Description

Our present multimedia lab consists of nine multimedia stations, including an LC 520 computer with a built-in CD-ROM drive, ClarisWorks and HyperStudio software, 27" TV Monitor, VCR, and Laser Disc Player. Scanners, laser printers, color LCD Projection Panel, TelevEyes/Pro, QuickTake Camera and an assortment of laser discs and CD-ROMs are available in the lab. Other equipment includes nine portable multimedia stations teachers check out and use in their classrooms. We will incorporate the hardware and software previously purchased with a variety of funding sources including Chapter I, Chapter II, ESL/LEP, District moneys, and AB 1470. This grant will provide work tables and chairs for production activities and additional multimedia stations to be used by classes using the lab to conduct research, create vivid graphics, scan and edit photos, and take video footage to be used to create QuickTime Movies. PowerBook computers will be purchased to allow students, teachers and parents to check-out to practice and work on projects at home.

Ongoing student, teacher and parent training will be conducted in the multimedia center, the Chapter I Lab, and the Macintosh Lab. The Project Manager will provide training, and manage and schedule lab usage.

The budget for this project reflects development of lesson plans specific to NEP/LEP student needs, staff development, parent education, equipment, software and evaluation costs related to project activities. The state will contribute $83,100.00, 30% ($24,930.00) for staff development, 20% ($16,620.00) for parent education, and 50% ($41,550.00), specific to NEP/LEP student needs. Continuation of this project is considerably less expensive with a trained staff and equipment in place.
