91/11/2001: The Day That Changed America
Teaching Tolerance Scavenger Hunt

You'll need your Web-searching skills to play this game!

Use the links below to find answers to the questions. We will take you to the home page, but you will have to go at least one more click to find the information on the linked site. Be careful! After the first question, you might have to click twice to find your answer! Write your answers on a separate piece of paper, or click here for a printable activity page.

1. Where do children first learn about tolerance?

2. What is The Barking Mouse?

3. What does the following sentence mean in English? Una vez habia una familia de ratones.

4. What happened to the young mice after they teased the cat?

5. What does the mother mean when she says: "It pays to speak another language"?

Click here for the answers.