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The secret Annex Hiding the Frank Family
The treatment of Jews in Holland — and all of Nazi-occupied Europe — continues to worsen. In 1942, Otto Frank informs Miep that he and his family are going into hiding. Though she could be severely punished for helping to hide Jews, Miep immediately offers her support.

On July 5, Margot Frank receives a summons to report to a forced-labor camp. Otto Frank tells Miep that the family will have to go into hiding the next day. Miep escorts Margot to the "Secret Annex," a building to the rear of Otto Frank's place of business. Later that morning she slips Otto, Edith, and Anne into the Annex. The van Pels family and Fritz Pfeffer, Miep's dentist, later join the Franks in hiding.

Van pels Family
Photo:AFS/AFF. Amsterdam/Basel
For two years, Miep Gies supplies those in hiding with part of her food rations, news from the outside, and most importantly, friendship. Anne is quite fond of Miep and writes about her in her diary.

Dutch and German police raid the Secret Annex on August 4, 1944, arresting those in hiding. Miep is questioned by an officer about her involvement in the plot. Miep avoids arrest because the officer,

The Frank Family
Photo:AFS/AFF, Amsterdam/Basel
who is also from Vienna, Austria, feels a connection to her. Later, Miep unsuccessfully tries to bribe the Austrian Nazi officer with money in exchange for releasing her friends. He refuses.

Talk to Miep Gies Was Miep ever afraid she'd get caught and punished for helping the Franks and their friends? Find out by reading her interview with students.

Write About It Miep took tremendous risks when she helped the Franks and their friends hide. During the Holocaust, there were thousands of people who put their lives on the line to help others. Read about other rescuers in Stories of Courage.

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