Max Math's Adventure

Extra Challenges
Here are three more challenges about "The Tooth" for you to try. The more red dots, the harder the challenge.
  1. Max made a candy trail around the room using different colored jellybeans. His pattern went yellow jellybean, green jellybean, yellow jellybean, green jellybean, yellow jellybean, green jellybean. What color jellybean comes next? Can you think of another pattern using two different colored jellybeans? Show how in a drawing or in writing.
    Difficulty Level:

  2. Max and Ruthie made the following pattern with the candy Ruth collected: candy corn, candy corn, chocolate kiss, lollipop, candy corn, candy corn, chocolate kiss, lollipop, candy corn, candy corn. Show this same pattern using your favorite types of candy.
    Difficulty Level:

    Counting Challenge
  3. Max counted 10 jellybeans by ones. He then counted the candies by 3's and 5's. Did he get the same number of jellybeans each time he counted? Draw and/or tell how you know your answer is correct.
    Difficulty Level:

    Probability Challenge
  4. Ruthie put five pieces of two types of candy (candy corn and chocolate kisses) in a lunch bag. Each time she pulled out a candy, Max would mark down the kind of candy it was. Then Ruthie would put the candy back into the bag and pull out another one. When they quit, the tally count looked like this:
      candy corn = 16
      chocolate kisses = 3

    If there are only five candies in the bag, which candies do you think there are more of? Use a number sentence to describe the number of each kind of candy. For example, _ candy corn + __ chocolate kisses = 5 candies. Tell why you think your number sentence is probably correct.
    Difficulty Level:

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Teacher's Guide | Max's Math Adventures