SRI v3.0 System Requirements
(as of August 2003)
Local Installation
To install SRI Interactive on a stand-alone system, you can use
either of the following platforms: |
Mac OS 8.6 or higher (including Mac OS X in Classic Mode); PowerPC
200 MHz or higher; 120 MB disk space; 64 MB RAM; 640x480 monitor with
256 color display; 2x CD-ROM drive; keyboard; mouse; printer (recommended). |
Windows 95 or higher; Pentium II 266 MHz or higher; 120 MB disk space;
64 MB RAM; 640x480 monitor with 256 color display; 2x CD-ROM drive;
keyboard; mouse; printer (recommended). |
MACINTOSH SERVER: Mac OS 9.2 with AppleShare IP 6.3 or Mac OS X version
10.2 Server; PowerPC 200 MHz or higher. (Peer-to-peer networking requires
Mac OS 9 on server.) WINDOWS
SERVER: Windows NT 4.0 Server, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows XP
Server; Pentium II 400 MHz or higher.
Both platforms:
360 MB disk space; 128 MB RAM; 10 Base-T Ethernet Card; 640x480
monitor with 256 color display; 2x CD-ROM drive; keyboard; mouse;
printer (recommended).
Same as local installation, except: 25 MB disk space on teacher workstation;
25 MB disk space on student workstation; 50 MB disk space on shared
teacher/student workstation. CD-ROM optional. |
Same as local installation, except: 15 MB disk space on teacher workstation;
20 MB disk space on student workstation; 30 MB disk space on shared
teacher/student workstation. CD-ROM optional. |