Step 2: Say It Previous Next

After you've written your speech, it's time to practice saying it before you record it for There are two main tips to help you get ready.

1. Say It Out Loud
2. Mark Up Your Script

Say It Out Loud
You can't just mumble to yourself! You must practice reading your speech like you're really talking to a group. Why?

  • First you'll find out how long it is. Remember, one minute is the maximum.
  • Second, when you read out loud you hear problems that your eyes didn't notice, like sentences that are way too long and seem to go on forever like this sentence does so that I can make a point about sentences that are too long.
    (Whew! Can you say that sentence without taking a breath or stumbling?)
  • Third, when you read out loud you'll hear accidental tongue-twisters. For example, these sentences are easy to read to yourself. But try to say them out loud! (You'll hear what we mean!)

    The President pleasantly prepared to pack his putter for the trip.
    Sarah sold her seashells slowly Saturday.

Mark Up Your Script
What script? Your speech! It's a good idea to think of anything you write to read aloud as a script. So when your speech is finished, get a pencil and mark it up. That means actually making marks on the speech to help you remember how you want to sound when you record your words aloud.

Professional announcers, newscasters, and actors do this all the time. And so do people giving speeches. You can underline words that you want to emphasize by saying them louder or with more energy. And you can mark places where you want to pause for dramatic effect, or where you need to take a breath. There are no special marks to use. Just make up your own. Maybe put a "P" where you want to pause.

Here's an example of a marked-up script. The words are from a speech by President John F. Kennedy. Can you tell how it was meant to be said?

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