Related Booklist
Teaching Genre: Biography: A Complete Unit That Helps Students Explore This Exciting Genre and Become Better Readers and Writers (Grades 4–8)
Encourage your students' love of reading and help them to gain a better understanding of a different genre.
Each complete unit comes with six copies of the student anthology, filled with several high-interest stories that increase in degree of difficulty, as well as a 48-page teaching guide — all contained in a reusable storage bag. The teaching guide includes background information, genre teaching tips, recommended additional reading, and engaging reproducibles.
12 Genre Mini-Books: Fun Reproducible Mini-Books That Invite Kids To Read & Explore 12 Forms Of Writing Including Biography, Non-Fiction, Tall Tales, Fantasy, Mystery, Poetry, Plays & More by Betsy Franco (Grades 2–4)
Teach 12 exciting genres with these kid-pleasing, illustrated mini-books!
Descriptive Writing: Mini-Lessons "Strategies" Activities by Tara McCarthy (Grades 4–8)
Inspire students to develop descriptive writing skills with this complete resource. Through engaging activities, models, and reproducibles, students will learn to use metaphor and imagery, describe feelings and actions, and expand vocabulary to sharpen descriptions. Includes independent learning ideas, reinforcement activities, and self-assessment pages
Writing Series: 4 books
(Grades 4–8)
The four books in this series include everything you need to teach writing. Each of these complete resources includes activities, reproducibles, independent learning ideas, and self-assessment pages.
In the expository and descriptive writing units, students learn to present and support their ideas in an orderly way with essential facts, and how to direct writing to a specific audience.
The persuasive writing unit teaches students how to identify persuasive words, analyze ads and commercials, and write persuasive editorials, business letters, speeches, and job applications.
Inspire your students with the activities in the narrative writing book. Includes literary models, pre-writing activities, editing and revising tips, plus rubrics and evaluation ideas.
Fairy Tales Collection: 10 Books
(Grades K–3)
- The Bremen-town Musicians
- Cinderella Penguin
- Emperor Penguin's New Clothes
- The Gingerbread Man
- The Little Red Hen
- Red Riding Hood
- Rumpelstiltskin
- Sleepless Beauty
- The Three Billy-Goats Gruff
- The Three Little Pigs
- The Friendship Tree
Teaching Tall Tales: Reproducible Stories, writing mini-lessons, geography and map activities, plus other spin-offs across the curriculum
by Tracey West (Grades 3–5)
Pecos Bill, Slue Foot Sue, and John Henry are just some of the tall tale characters that help you teach history, geography, and literature. Filled with reproducibles, mini-lesson plans, and other spin-off activities across the curriculum.
Teaching Genre: Tall Tales: A Complete Unit That Helps Students Explore This Exciting Genre and Become Better Readers and Writers (Grades 4–8 )
Encourage your students' love of reading and help them to gain a better understanding of a different genre.
Each complete unit comes with six copies of the student anthology, filled with several high-interest stories that increase in degree of difficulty, as well as a 48-page teaching guide--all contained in a reusable storage bag.
The teaching guide includes background information, genre teaching tips, recommended additional reading, and engaging reproducibles.
15 Greek Myth Mini-Books: Adorable Reproducible Patterns With Engaging Writing Prompts by Sherry Girard (Grades 4–8)
Invite kids to create meaningful responses to literature with these engaging, hands-on art and writing projects. First, children enjoy a well-loved story together, then create their own response page that includes a colorful art activity.
Teaching Genre: Myths and Legends: A Complete Unit That Helps Students Explore This Exciting Genre and Become Better Readers and Writers (Grades 4–8)
Encourage your students' love of reading and help them to gain a better understanding of a different genre.
Each complete unit comes with six copies of the student anthology, filled with several high-interest stories that increase in degree of difficulty, as well as a 48-page teaching guide--all contained in a reusable storage bag.
The teaching guide includes background information, genre teaching tips, recommended additional reading, and engaging reproducibles.
Getting the Most Out of Teaching with Newspapers by Rebecca Olien (Grades 3–5)
A must-have resource to get kids reading — and learning from — the newspaper! Lessons and activities help you introduce the parts of the paper, create a class newspaper, and use the paper to teach reading, writing, math, and more.
Kids' Poems: Teaching Kindergartners to Love Writing Poetry by Regie Routman (Grade K)
Regie Routman shares here delightful selection of free-verse poems written by kindergartners that will inspire your kindergartners to think "I can write poems like this too!" Routman provides strategies for using kids' poems as models to guide children to write poems about things they know and care about: eating popcorn, playing in June, wishing for a pet dog, and more. She describes the way she invites children to study the model poem, beginning by asking kids, "What do you notice?" She shows how she demonstrates the poetry-writing process to children: thinking aloud and drafting poems about her own life, and then collaborating on a poem together before children write on their own.
Also available for:
Teaching 10 Fabulous Forms of Poetry: Great Lessons, Brainstorming Sheets, and Organizers for Writing Haiku, Limericks, Cinquains, and Other Kinds of Poetry Kids Love by Paul B. Janeczko (Grades 4–8)
Poet Paul Janeczko shares step-by-step lessons with companion reproducibles that make teaching poetry fun and easy. Includes reproducible model poems and ideas for introducing each poetic form.
Scholastic Guides: Putting It in Writing by Steve Otfinoski (Grades 3–6)
This refreshing and accessible guide uses student writing samples to show how to compose different types of letters and reports.
Quick Practice: Writing Skills: Grades K–1: Dozens of Reproducible Pages That Give Kids Practice in Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling, and Other Key Writing Skills by Martin Lee, Marcia K. Miller (Grades K–1)
Fun daily practice to effectively boost students writing skills and get them ready for the standardized exams
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