Max Math's Adventure

Extra Challenges
Here are some more challenges to try. The more red dots, the harder the challenge.

  1. Create a graph that shows the number of boys and girls in your class.
    Difficulty Level:

  2. Find out which type of food — spaghetti, hot dogs, or pizza — your classmates like the best. Create a graph that organizes the information you collect. Which food did your friends like the best? Which food did they like the least?
    Difficulty Level:

  3. Think of a question you would like to ask your classmates. Write down your question and several possible answers for them to choose from. For example, you could ask "What is your favorite sport?" and have baseball, volleyball, and hockey as possible answers. Ask ten people your question and mark down their answers. Once you have collected all your data, create a graph showing your results.
    Difficulty Level:

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Teacher's Guide | Max's Math Adventures