Catherine E. Snow, who serves as Henry Lee Shattuck
Professor in human development and psychology at the Harvard Graduate
School of Education, received her Ph.D. in psychology from McGill
University, and worked in the linguistics department of the University
of Amsterdam before joining Harvard's faculty in 1978. She has co-authored
Unfulfilled Expectations: Home and School Influences on Literacy
(April 2000) with W. Barnes, J. Chandler, I. Goodman, and L. Hemphill,
and Pragmatic Development, with Anat Ninio, and authored
or co-authored over 150 research articles and chapters. Professor
Snow was a member of the National Research Council Task Force to
establish a research agenda for language minority children and co-chaired
the NRC Committee that produced the report "Preventing Reading
Difficulties in Young Children and Starting Out Right: A Guide to
Promoting Children's Reading Success". She served as the president
of the American Educational Research Association in 2000-01. |
Fran Avni is a singer, songwriter, and producer, and
has an educational background in teaching English as a Second Language.
An experienced and lively performer, she focuses on language learning
and developing basic skills through music and movement, as well
as fun phonemic activities. She has spent over 30 years as an early
childhood musician and workshop presenter, and is creator of more
than 40 recordings used in various language arts curricula in schools
across North America. In addition, she served as Author and Producer
for Canada's National Film Board's early literacy project. |