Real-World Readiness
Traits Writing teaches students to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively in a variety of content areas, meeting state writing standards, and equipping students with real-world skills.
Concentrating on the modes of writing and requiring students to support their arguments or explanations with facts, these standards are met in every single unit with numerous exercises in each mode: Opinion/Argument, Informative/Explanatory, and Narrative.
These standards focus on revising, editing, and publishing work using technology- all seven of the traits: ideas, organization, word choice, voice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation speak to these standards.
Requiring students to participate in shared research and writing projects, these standards are met through short research papers and assignments which ask students to support their arguments with textual evidence.
This standard focuses on short and long term writing projects, worked on routinely over extended time frames for research, reflection, and revision. Each week students write smaller pieces as well as work on their mode-specific unit project, while direct and intense instruction engages students in writing across an extensive range of topics, formats, purposes, and audiences