Zip Zoom® for Teaching English as a Second Language
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Professional Development  
At the core of Zip Zoom’s professional development assets is the award-winning Scholastic RED which combines the best of online distance-learning and facilitates professional communities of learners. The Zip Zoom English program includes enrollment in the Scholastic RED online professional development course Reading Success for English-Language Learners. In this course, teachers—especially mainstream classroom teachers—learn how to adapt instruction, assess progress, and reinforce learning to help every English-Language Leaner become a successful reader. In addition to the Scholastic RED online course, there are 15 professional development video workshops that stress best practices in English-Language Learner classrooms. These 15 videos can be found on the Zip Zoom English Teacher Resource CD.

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Scholastic RED Video

Minimal Sounds Assessment

Earn Graduate Credit! Learn HowScholastic RED’s Reading Success for English-Language Learners, Grades K–3
This course gives a comprehensive overview of methods to accelerate language and literacy acquisition in the early grades and includes:
1. The Context for Teaching English-Language Learners to Read
2. Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Spelling Instruction
3. Fluency Instruction and Practice
4. Vocabulary is Critical to Success in Comprehension
5. Teaching Students to Comprehend a Wide Variety of Text
6. Writing Instruction for English-Language Learners
7. Content-Area Instruction for English-Language

Learn more about accelerating English-Language Learners’ achievement in reading with Scholastic RED Professional Development. GO