Zip Zoom® for Teaching English as a Second Language
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Looking for a print-based solution? Try Critical-Word Readers! Learn More
Research & Validation  
Background on the Issue
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Zip Zoom English technology has been proven effective at building English-Language Learners’ early phonemic awareness, phonics and sight-word recognition skills. Scientifically based research proved that English-Language Learners in Kindergarten using the Zip Zoom English software increased their sight-word recognition by more than twice the control group.

Zip Zoom English software has been pilot tested by over 7,500 students and teachers in the U.S. and U.S. affiliated Pacific jurisdictions to ensure that content is culturally relevant and age-appropriate, and that the software interface is effective when used independently by children who have limited English-language abilities.

The text in Zip Zoom English is highly effective for students with limited English. Zip Zoom books were developed according to Dr. Elfrieda Hiebert’s ground-breaking Critical Word Factor (CWF) research, which examined the word recognition demands of beginning reading texts. Dr. Hiebert’s 2001-2002 research proved that texts that expose children to a limited number of new words and repeat these words sufficiently, positively impacted the reading speed, accuracy and comprehension of first-grade readers (Hiebert-AERA Presentation, 2004).
Read the Results
Graph 4: Pretest to Posttest Raw Score Gains on the Ohio State Letter Identification Test Zip Zoom English Software

Students in the NEARStar* group achieved a pretest to posttest gain significantly greater than students in the comparison group on the Ohio State Letter Identification Test (p < .05). See page 10 of the Zip Zoom English: Foundations and Formative Research.

Graph 10: Building Reading Fluency for ELLs Zip Zoom Critical-Word Readers
Hiebert’s groundbreaking research reveals how the uniquely developed Zip Zoom Critical-Word Readers will help close the English language learnerachievement gap while simultaneously building their reading fluency. See page 15 of the Zip Zoom English: Foundations and Formative Research.
Read the Research
Zip Zoom Impact Study Zip Zoom English: Successful Models of Implementation
Impact Study
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Zip Zoom RTI Alignment Response to Intervention
An Alignment Guide for Zip Zoom English
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Kindergarten Performance on Fry’s Sight Word Test Zip Zoom English: Foundations and Formative Research
Zip Zoom Research Foundation
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Zip Zoom IES Alignment An Alignment Guide for Zip Zoom English to the IES Practice Guide:
Effective Literacy Instruction for English Language Learners in the Elementary Grades
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Kindergarten Performance on Fry’s Sight Word Test
Texts and English Language Learners: Scaffolding Entrée to Reading
Authors: Dr. Elfrieda H. Hiebert , Zoe Ann Brown and Cheryl Taitague, Dr. Charles W. Fisher, and Martha A. Adler
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Kindergarten Performance on Fry’s Sight Word Test
Fluency From the First: What Works with First Graders
Authors: Dr. Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Dr. Charles W. Fisher
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NEARStar* was published as Zip Zoom English.