Text Talk: Robust Vocabulary Instruction for grades K-3Text Talk�: Robust Vocabulary Instruction for grades K-3
Active Talk

 Active Talk

To make the most of read-aloud time and vocabulary instruction, research shows that students and teachers need to TALK. Engaging students in actively using words through speaking enriches and deepens students' understanding of word meanings. That's why Scholastic has created Text Talk Notes to stick onto the pages of each read-aloud title, providing teachers with point-of-use support.

Text Talk notes help teachers engage students in TALK through:

Open-Ended Questions
Prompt students to move beyond one-word responses and actively use words in dialogue.

Follow-Up Questions
Scaffold students' thinking by encouraging them to elaborate and develop their initial ideas.

Word Explanations
Give immediate explanations of challenging words.

Smart Use of Background Knowledge
Help students tap into past experiences and knowledge.
"...student initiated talk and active participation is important [for learning vocabulary.]" � National Reading Panel
Text Talk notes provide teachers on the spot support.

Walk through sessions 1 and 2 of a lesson.