Zip Zoom® for Teaching English as a Second Language
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Looking for a print-based solution? Try Critical-Word Readers! Learn More
Program Overview
:  Components at a Glance
Zip Zoom English provides the right combination of materials to accelerate the development of critical language and reading skills.
For the Student
Interactive Software
At the heart of Zip Zoom English is powerful software that engages students in critical language and reading practice. Interactive visual and auditory support scaffolds the learning for English-Language Learners and keeps them motivated and focused on developing essential English skills.

Critical-Word Readers and Audio Book CDs
These paired books and corresponding audio CDs connect children’s knowledge about the lesson topic and oral language skills to reading and literacy. Each lesson contains two paired books, which helps reinforce and deepen children’s developing skills and vocabulary by targeting the same topic, skills, and critical words. Selected content vocabulary taught previously in the lesson—as sight words—will be applied to the reading.

Word & Picture Book
All the content vocabulary for each lesson topic is presented in colorful, contextualized settings.

Professional Guide
The professional guide for each lesson scaffolds children through a series of instructional events—direct instruction of the target skills, careful practice of those skills, paired with individualized learning on the interactive Zip Zoom software.

Language Development Resources
Songs & Chants Poster Book and Audio Song CD—The same songs and chants found on the Zip Zoom English software can be found in the poster book and on the Audio Song CD.

Phonemic Awareness Songs and Chants
In addition to songs and chants included in the software, children will learn classic nursery rhymes and chants from the Phonemic Awareness Songs & Chants book.

Teacher Resources CD
The Teacher Resources CD contains professional development videos as well as independent and differentiated practice through print-oriented blackline masters for each lesson.

Professional Development Course and Videos
Each Zip Zoom English program includes enrollment in the Scholastic RED course: Reading Success for English-Language Learners as well as 15 professional development video workshops that stress best practices in English-Language Learner classrooms. These workshops can be found on the Teacher Resource CD.

Software and Installation Guides
Software and Installation Guides are references for the installation process and the easy-to-use Zip Zoom English management system which provides instant access to data and instructional recommendations for individual students, and results for classrooms and schools.