: Leveling System |

English-Language Learners need just-right text featuring core sets of critical words used for beginning reading. In contrast to the difficult text in basal reading textbooks, the text in Zip Zoom Critical-Word Readers was written to introduce beginning readers to critical words and limit the cognitive and linguistic loads for students. |
These books are highly supportive with short, simple sentences, strong picture/text support, and carefully introduced new words.
• Highly meaningful words: 30 • High-frequency words: 40 • Phonemically regular words • Rate of new words introduced: 5–8 per lesson • Multiple repetitions within a lesson and across lessons • Simple sentences
• Basic punctuation
the Level 1 Scope and Sequence |
These books offer children more complex sentences including the use of past and future tenses. The books still offer strong picture/text support with words that are carefully introduced and repeated from level 1.
• Highly meaningful words: 40 • High-frequency words: 50 • Phonemically regular words: short-vowel words • Reuse of words taught in Level 1
• Multiple repetitions within a lesson and across lessons
• Simple and more complex sentences
• Basic and more complex punctuation
the Level 2 Scope and Sequence |

These books offer children more challenging texts with longer reading passages. Children are introduced to more complex sound/spelling patterns including long vowels, r-controlled vowels, diagraphs, and more.
• Highly meaningful words: 55
• High-frequency words: 60 • More complex letter/sound patterns: long vowels, r-controlled, diagraphs and diphthongs • Reuse of words taught in Level 1 & 2 • Multiple repetitions within a lesson and across lessons • Complex sentences
• Basic and more complex punctuation
the Level 3 Scope and Sequence |