About the Authors

Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst, are coauthors of many best-selling books such as Notice and Note and Reading Nonfiction. Throughout their careers they have worked tirelessly to help connect children and teens to literacy. Though their focus has been working with struggling readers, they also help teachers who work with English language learners, gifted students, and special education students. Dr. Beers, past President of the National Council of Teachers of English, and Dr. Probst, Professor Emeritus of English Education at Georgia State University, are among our most respected authorities on reading instruction.
Expert Idea
The Book, Head, Heart Framework
Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst show how you can help your students get the most out of books while reading independently at home. They describe their Book, Head, Heart (BHH) framework, which encourages students to read through three powerful lenses:
- In the Book: What the text says
- In Their Heads: What the text makes them think
- In Their Hearts: What the text makes them feel—and how they have changed as a result of reading it

Teach It

Download the BHH flipbook for students without online access (directions in the Tip Sheet).
DownloadWatch and Learn
Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst discuss how you can use their Book, Head, Heart framework to help your young readers connect to literature at home.
Learn More
- Read a Sample Chapter
Click here to download an excerpt from Disrupting Thinking, for more hands-on strategies to help students become close readers.
- Order the Book
Click here to order Disrupting Thinking by Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst.