About the Author

Yang Wang, Ph.D., is one of the award-winning literacy educators who contributed to Reading Revealed: 50 Expert Teachers Share What They Do and Why They Do It. She is an associate professor of Language and Literacy at the University of South Carolina. She received her Ph.D. in Literacy and M.Ed. in TESOL from the University of Missouri and a B.A. in English Education in China, where she taught English as a foreign language. She teaches graduate courses of literacy education, reading miscue analysis, multicultural literature, and content area literacy.
Expert Idea
Formal Miscue Analysis
Formal Miscue Analysis provides a window into your students’ reading processes by enabling you to capture the problem-solving strategies they’re using as they read. This one-on-one reading assessment can reveal in just a short time the degree to which the student is relying on semantic (meaning), syntactic (structural), and graphophonic (letter-sound) cues. The information you gather will help you target his or her strengths and needs and make smart, targeted instructional decisions.
Dr. Wang recommends Formal Miscue Analysis for English learners (also known as emergent bilinguals) and native English speakers, K–12, who are facing challenges with comprehending what they read. It is best used at the beginning of the year to help you come up with an instructional plan, and again later in the year to measure the success of your instruction.

Teach It

Download the Tip Sheet for assessing students remotely with Formal Miscue Analysis. (For additional help, download the sample chapter provided below.)
Download the Modified Burke Reading Interview for a guide to help you learn about your students’ reading beliefs and strategies. Once you understand what your students think reading is and how it works—and also, how they regard themselves as readers—you will know how to shape your instruction to maximize your support.
DownloadWatch and Learn
Watch how Yang Wang builds rapport with an 11-year-old student before they launch into Formal Miscue Analysis.
In this video, Yang Wang debriefs with the student after the Formal Miscue Analysis.
Learn More
- Read a Sample Chapter
Click here to download an excerpt from Reading Revealed and learn more about the importance of knowing your readers, find out how to conduct a Formal Miscue Analysis, and understand how to fill out a coding form.
- Order the Book
Click here to order Reading Revealed.